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Kersten Prince



Introduction to the Practicum

During my junior year as a Robotics and Psychology undergraduate at WPI, I took on my Student Teaching Practicum as my Interactive Qualifying Project (IQP). 

I had the experience of teaching in multiple schools with a wide range of diversity. There were classes I taught where I had prior experience in the content, and alternatively, content where I would not have known the first vocabulary word's definition before this experience. I learned what the meaning of school culture is. For every technique I learned that worked, I learned twice as many to not try again.

Many factors influenced my ability to perform at a proficient level on the Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) rubric. I had to change school placements at the beginning of the practicum, and towards the end of the practicum, I struggled with preparation and completion of lessons, assignments, and grades.

I was ultimately deemed as "Not Yet Ready to Teach"

But humans learn best from our mistakes.

For all the times I struggled during the practicum, a significant amount of personal growth occurred in organization skills, interpersonal relations, and what it means to be a teacher.

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On this Website...


Educational Philosophy

Personal and Professional Growth

Professional Culture in Teaching

Way Teachers can Impact Student Success

Professional Goal


Background of Education in Massachusetts

My WPI Education

Clinton Senior High School

Note: "Password" and "Account" bits are just for student confidentiality and similar matters.

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